Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 11: "Bright colored packages tied up with string..."

Today was sort of an odds 'n ends day. I'm really happy about the musical ribbon I found, completely by surprise, which will be the perfect finishing touch to yesterday's project. Is this cute or what?

I'm still not seeing any Christmas wrap in stores (go figure), but how is this for a killer combination? Zebra print ribbon with solid red paper. I love it!

While I was out, I found a nifty seasonal item (marked down 75%) and snatched up three for stocking stuffers. When I got home from my little shopping trip, I found that UPS packages have started arriving! These two contain our neighbor gifts, and they are fra-gee-lay, so I'll have to be careful where I stow them away. My husband just saw what was in the top box as I was typing this, and he said, "I want one!" Excellent.

Last thought for today: FLAT RATE BOXES from the good old United States Postal Service. These are so easy to assemble. Actually, the longer ones (bigger than shirt boxes, but along those lines) don't require packaging tape at all. The taller and shorter one I'm showing here did require tape, but these boxes are FREE, and it doesn't really matter how much you stuff inside, the postage rate will always be the same. I highly recommend these for easy packaging of gifts to out-of-town family or friends.

11 Friends and Family: CHECK
10 Neighbors: CHECK
45 Piano Students: CHECK
4 Charitable Gifts: CHECK
Stockings: Something added today!

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