Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 14: Gift Tags (How-To) & Progress!

I don't mean to brag, but look at this! We're making progress here, and as the mid-way point in my challenge approaches, I'm feeling a combination of: this is fantastic(!), and uh-oh, things are starting to pile up. I realized today that my planned stow-away place for all of this Christmas goodness is not temperature-controlled, and it might be wise to come up with an alternative. I have a few empty cupboards and nooks around the house that will do the trick for some of it, so I'll give that a try and report back later.

Spiffy and Shiny Gift Tags (How-To)

My sister came up with this idea last year: printing gift tags on glossy photo paper. It sounds weird, but it really looks nice. She even printed pictures of her family on her tags last year. I'm not doing that...yet...but I'll show you what I am doing. It's very simple.

First, take a look at the example of what I'm going to show you how to make:

1. Open up your word-processing program and start a new text document. I use Open Office.

2. Create a text box (or "frame" in my case).

3. Edit the border to be the thickness and color you want.

4. Edit the background with a fill color if you like. I'm using a pale blue-gray.

5. Type your text using the font and color you like. The font I'm using is called KG Eyes Wide Open, and I'm using plain red for the font color.

6. Print on glossy photo paper, and voila!

Of course, you could do something much more elaborate than this, or you could use plain paper or card stock if you preferred. 

Gift List Headway

I knocked a biggie off the list today by ordering three of an item my husband likes but rarely buys for himself. I also picked up a key ingredient of the homemade thingy I'm making for ______ and got all of my supplies for the project in order. Tomorrow I really, really need to make serious progress on this item. It will not be easy, because I'm teaching summer piano lessons all day, but I'll see if I can make something happen. :)

12 Friends & Family: CHECK! (notice the bumped up number?)
10 Neighbors: CHECK!
45 Piano Students: CHECK!
4 Charitable Gifts: CHECK!
Homemade Item: Supplies in order. Ready to start.
Stockings: Lookin' good. (The geeky stuff was delivered, and it's nifty.)

1 comment:

  1. I love the Dallas reference. And was that an Archie reference too? Anyway, I had forgotten about my tags last year. Thanks for the reminder. You are still amazing. Keep up the great work.
