Saturday, August 25, 2012

Day 27: Home for the Final Stretch!

These packages were
delivered while I was away!
Today was a long driving day, but there are a few things to report.
  1. Our Christmas cards arrived, and they are BEAUTIFUL!
  2. All of the items for our military care package have been delivered.
  3. During a quick stop at a Cracker Barrel near Charlottesville, Va., I found more stocking stuffers.
There are five days remaining in August. If I am to complete my challenge, I will need to complete three more tasks:
  1. Finish the handmade gift.
  2. Shop for the final person on my list.
  3. Wrap and/or store everything.
Here's to a productive final five days!

Friends & Family: 17.2 out of 18, CHECK!
10 Neighbors: CHECK!
45 Piano Students: CHECK!
Charitable Gifts: 4.8 out of 6, CHECK!
70 Christmas Cards: CHECK! (They are beautiful!)
Stockings: COMPLETELY STUFFED! (Sorry, Santa.)
Handmade Gift: 10 hours spent so far

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