Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Day 3 (Part 3): Hot Chocolate, Ice Storm, and Wrapping

Before I bring any more treasures into my sweltering North Pole at home, I need to square away the things I have bought so far. My mother loves to do as much wrapping as I can put in front of her, but she can't wrap her own gift. I also want to start a mailing station so that shipments are ready to be ushered off to places far and wide when the time comes. My shopping today consisted of a quick order from for my sis. That's all of the buying I'll do until tomorrow. Right now, there is a hailstorm going on (which anyone with a slight imagination can morph into a blizzard or winter ice storm), and I think it's the perfect setting for a little faux winter wrapathon. I've popped a Swiss Miss K-cup in the Keurig, cranked up the Michael Buble Christmas station on Pandora, and set up a wrapping station on the dining room table. Cozy, right?
Merry Christmas, Mom. This one is yours. Now, where to put it...


  1. Replies
    1. You better wait until you actually receive your gifts, and that it happens in time for Christmas before you call me amazing. But if you can't wait, I'll take it now.
